Gotcha Day October 22, 2008
October 22, 2008 we held in our arms for the first time our precious son AJ. It doesn't seem like a year already and in other ways it seems like AJ has always been with us. I'm still completely awe struck by God's perfectly orchestrated plan. I can't believe everything he taught me during the waiting process and the incredible trip we had to China to bring AJ home. Like all of our children, AJ is a gifto us from God. We are so honored to be AJ's forever family. THere isn't a day that goes by that I don 't recognize the miracle of him. I do think of his birthmom often. I am so thankful that she carried our son. That she gave him life. THat AJ was knitted together by God and born to this birthmom. And that through God's plan, AJ was united with his forever family 6000 miles away. There is nothing God can't do. Just look at my baby, he's living proof!