AJ turned 3 on March 20, 2009. He had so much fun. He loves Mickey Mouse so I made him a cake with Mickey on top. I hand drew it with a knife and frosted it by hand too. It looked pretty good. AJ recognized Mickey so I think it was a success. He got balloons and horns and bubbles and sidewalk chalk. We asked him what he wanted for his birthday and he said,"CAKE". It was sooo cute. All of his cousins were here for his party and it was a beautiful night (50 degrees and sunny) so they blew bubbles and drew on the sidewalk. We had cake and ice cream and tons of fun.
AJ is doing wonderfully. We still can't believe he's ours. His receptive language is very good. He understands almost everything. He is speaking more and more. We were in the grocery store and he was rattling off everything I was puting in the cart plus picking out chocolate milk and donuts and pickles. He's difinitely Americanized already. He loves the outdoors and will stay out as long as he can. We can't wait for warmer weather. He is a complete joy and we are so blessed to be his family. Happy Birthday, AJ!!