Well, you wouldn't believe me if I told you, so I'll give you the short version. We bought a timeshare on ebay in Outer Banks NC for an unbelieveable cheap, (I mean inexpensive) amount of money. It was so cheap that my husband thought that maybe when we got there it would be a tin shack with an outhouse attached. It wasn't, thank goodness, but if the homes there are the Radisson, we stayed at the Super 8. I'm not complaining. With 4 wild children I feel more comfortable at the Super 8 anyway. The auction was for a timeshare deed without expiration. We thought, well, even if we get just this one year out of it, the price is right. To our delight, the deed came in the mail a couple of weeks ago and our name is on it. Yay! It's ours every year for the price of the maintenance fees. We had sooo much fun! It was 80 degrees and sunny. The water was cold though. The kids didn't care. They dove right in! The guys surf fished and crabbed. YOu would have thought they were locals. We rented a jeep to go look for the mustangs indiginous to the area and we saw t
I love the author Nicolas Sparks. They movie Nights in Rodanthe is based on his book. The book is 100 times better. Anyway, we drove about an hour to see Rodanthe. We ate at a park there and the guys fished off a pier in Rodanthe. It's a whole different culture down there. Sometimes it's even hard to understand their accent. They are very proud of their movie and the cute little store their boasts of meeting some of it's stars. It was very fun.
We also drove north to Corolla and climbed a 150 foot lighthouse. Well, Jared, Danielle and I did. Aron and Jake are chickens. Of course, AJ is too little. He waved at us when we got to the top.
We saw the Wright Brothers museum in Kittyhawk. It was very interesting. Those guys were very industrious and very determined. America was and is built on individuals like them. People with a strong will and heart to accomplish their dreams. Incredible.
The trip went very well. THe portable DVD player was a life saver. I think AJ watched "Cars" like 10 times. By the time we got there, each of us was a character from the movie. Aron is Mater. I'm Flo. AJ is Doc. Jared is LIghtning Mcqueen. Jacob is Luigi. And, Danielle is Sally. Isn't that funny? I especially think Aron is a dead ringer for Mater. He's as happy as a tornado in a trailer park. Can't wait for next year!