Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We live in the boonies! Nov.12, 2008

You know that you live in the sticks when the computer guy comes out and checks out your house and tells you that you can't get wireless internet because we can't reach their towers. Well, he says maybe if we put a 15 foot pole with a satellite on the roof we can reach the tower. You know you're a redneck if you have a 15 foot tower on your house. No way!! I haven't posted because I wanted to upload pictures and this darn dial up we have won't do it. Aron came home and insisted that I at least update our blog a little. Evidentally, I have a small following at his work place. Isn't that funny? Aron is almost always right in our house, which drives me nuts!! He is very knowledgeable about a lot of topics and I am basically a technical nincomepoop. I think he's a little bitter about my fan club. Hee hee. I'm soaking it all in. Just kidding.

Anyway, I wanted you all to see the pics of the resort we were in our last few days in China. I'll figure out how to upload them soon. Last time I went to McDonalds and used their wireless. It cost me 2 bucks. Not bad.
Our final stop was Guangzhou China. It was basically a resort type area. The US consulate is there and we received AJ's visa to come home on Thursday Oct.30. We had Friday free so we tried out the pool and did some shopping. It was so relaxing. The best part of the day was actually in the evening. We agreed to go on a dinner cruise the day before but started to have some second thoughts. We still needed to pack and get AJ to bed early. We had to leave the hotel at 5:50 am the next day to come home. Well, we went on the cruise. One last hurrah... and it was fabulous. We ate on this really cool boat with only about 50 other people. We went up the Pearl River and back down. Talk about light bill!! Oh my goodness!! Every building was lit up, some with moving billboards on them. The bridge was three different colors. It was so nice. Only 4 couples went and we had so much fun talking and looking at the lights. We even went up to the observation deck. I was a tad bit nervous with AJ up there. I repeatedly told Aron that he was not to let AJ walk. He had to be held the whole time. I think Aron was a bit ticked that I kept reminding him. He's not a total imbicile. My mother bear instincts were in overdrive. He knew that and just said," I know Honey." We had a wonderful time. The food wasn't great but I survived eating once again rice and noodles. But the cruise was so worth the $15 per adult we spent. We still made it back to the hotel by 8:00 pm, packed our previously 2 checked bags... now it's 4 checked bags, and had them in the hall for the bellboys at 9:00 pm. What a trip!! The trip of a lifetime really. So many different people occupy our world. I would love to go back to school and study people groups. It is so interesting what makes people tick, isn't it? All I know is that we have a lot more in common than we have differences. Everyone craves God, family, belonging, friendship... love, it makes the world go round.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Heather,

I'm one of those people at DP who's in your "fan club". Every day you were in China, I looked forward to reading about your adventure, and I was always disappointed when I logged on and the latest update wasn't posted.

Keep up the great writing!
