AJ is starting to talk. It is so funny. We are almost certain that he is saying some things in Mandarin. He repeats some phrases and it's so funny to hear him. He says what sounds like Da Doo all the time. We are going to ask our guide tomorrow if it means anything. Maybe just Chinese baby talk. It really does sound Chinese.
AJ is still eating like a horse. He also enjoys the outdoors. We just walk and walk. This morning he pulled me by hand towards the revolving door. I thought he wanted to go around in it, so I kept pushing and he tried to step outside. When we got back around to the inside he started to cry. So, I pulled on his shirt and told him that we had to go get his jacket first. He came willingly. We were told that the Chinese always want their babies warm. So even if it's 80 degrees outside he needs a jacket. We don't want a little Chinese lady chewing us out. After we got our jackets on we went outside to the markets again. Today, a woman stopped me and spoke to me in Mandarin. I have no idea what she said. We started to draw a crowd. Aron had gone into a shop and I was waiting outside. I told the lady that we call him Neo Neo and that broke the ice. All of the people started to laugh.
We had a lot of fun getting to know AJ today. It's amazing that he doesn't speak our language or look like us but that he is starting to trust us. Love has no language. When he looks at me, I always smile and kiss him. I think he is starting to know that he is with us to stay. He even called Aron Baba today. He is slowly warming up to Aron. I am really enjoying being the favorite because soon I know that Aron will win him over with treats and tickles.
We took AJ to a noodle restaurant tonight and he ate like crazy again. I just can't make myself eat the food here. So, I ordered plain rice. It was good. Around the corner from our hotel is a Haagendas Ice Cream store. We treated ourselves after dinner and AJ had chocolate ice cream. It is so funny watching him experience new things. We are back in our room and AJ is in his pj's. We are getting ready to call the kids at home. We miss them so much! We are now getting a little antsy to be home. Tomorrow the guide will take us to a lake and a park. 
Hey you guys...I'm at work and reading your blog and looking at the wonderful pictures and I can't stop crying!! It's so wonderful that things are going so well....I'm so happy for you!! We can't wait to meet your little man...what a doll!! Love, Gretchen
What a cutie!! Can't wait to for Hope to meet him. She'll be glad to have someone her age to play with. I am so happy for you guys!! See you soon. Lori
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