Well, I'm up before 5:00 am. We leave tomorrow for China and I am full of nervous energy. I am packed, the laundry done, the bills paid, football uniforms washed...basically pretty much ready to go and guess what? Aron is not packed and snoozing like a buzz saw in the other room. You know that verse ... Don't worry about tomorrow because today has enough worries of it's own..kind of thing. That is Aron in a nutshell. He is the most laid back guy on the planet, thank goodness, because I can get let's say A LITTLE EXCITED at times!! He's a perfect match for me!
Our kids are a little anxious also. My 150 lb. 12 year old loves me! I mean he hugs me after football games in front of his buddies. He sits by me in church with his head on my shoulder. He told his friends that he couldn't go to camp because his mom wasn't there. I must say, it's fun being someone's favorite! Being gone 16 days will be hard on him.
Our almost 15 year old is extremely responsible, a typical first born, so I think he feels a lot of pressure to kind of make sure everything runs smoothly. He's wonderfully bright and good. I'm sure that we could put him in charge of the stock market and he'd run it beautifully. He'll be a wonderful help to me when we get AJ home!!

Danielle is our princess, and man does she know it! She's funny, outgoing, a take charge kind of chick. She is friendly and helpful and stubborn too. Her teacher said that if there is one of those emergency lock downs, my Danielle is in charge. She knows what to do and is very commanding. She reminds me a lot of my sister. My sis, Jen has laser focus and a get out of my way personality. If you want something done, she's your gal. She is infectious and funny and smart! She's a successful businesswoman. Now why can't our government be run by the average Joe, or Jane as it were, who has started with nothing and built a thriving business using their brain and gut? Beats me!
Well, I have to get my "Sleeping Beast, I mean, Beauty" up. Yesterday was his last day at work for 3 weeks. Now, maybe I can get him to pack and help with the grocery shopping and write thank you cards and take out the trash and feed the dogs and help get the kids ready for school and......
China or bust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
I am waiting for you in Beijing! Hurry here!
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