We are having a great time across the world from you. Today was packed with sightseeing and shopping! First thing this morning we set out for the Great Wall. It was about an hour and a half from our hotel. We went from skyscrapers to mountains in about an hour. The wall is incredible. It is at least 4,000 miles long and was started about 600 b.c. We rode the cable car to the top. Aron just loved that (he's not fond of heights). We walked and walked. The place was wall to wall people...no pun intended. At one point we were in the middle of a group and they just shove to keep the group moving. It was crazy. Again, personal space is non existent here. It was funny...on the bus ride back the wives sat across the aisle from their husbands, instead of next to each other. We all did it subconciously, but laughed that we had had enough closeness for one day. 
We spent a couple of hours at the Great Wall and then we were off to the Cloissonne factory. It is beautiful pottery making. They first form a vase or bowl or plate with copper and then make a
pattern on the vase with copper wire. The designs are very intricate and tedious. Next, enamel paint is dripped with an eyedropper onto the designs very carefully. It is placed in the kiln and then re-enameled and put in the kiln 5 more times. Then the wire is buffed off to make the vase perfectly smooth. They have created this type of pottery for 1,000 years exactly the same way. We learned that the enamel painting is the highest paid job of the process. They earn 5,000 yuan a month (approx. $700 a month). The girls bending the metal earn about $350 a month. It is really beautiful work.
We couldn't believe the amount of work that goes into each piece. BEAUTIFUL!!
After the pottery factory we went to lunch and on the way we drove by the Olympic Village. This is "The Bird's Nest". These buildings are huge. We also saw the "Water Cube". While it was neat to see, I was a little saddened that now thes
buildings are empty. Our guide said that it took over 5 years to build them. The village where the athletes stayed...the apartments are for sale. Hopefully the buildings will be put to good use.
My last personal adventure of the day was going to the bathroom in the floor potties. Yikes, I almost had to yell for Aron to come and help me
up. Man, I should have done some squats back home to prepare my quads for getting off the toilet, I mean floor!?! I ran back out to get my camera. I know a little gross taking a picture of the toilet. These are my feet by the way. We ladies just giggled and giggled about this. I will never look at my toilet at home the same way again!!
So long for now. Tomorrow we go to the Forbidden City and take a rickshaw tour. Oh that poor little Chinaman. We will have to tip him big (again no pun intended). He'll definitely earn it!! We might have to show mercy on him and let him stop for breaks! ha ha. 3 days until baby day!!
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